Sunday, August 30, 2009

The ultimate question about your heritage and life

"Why do you care?".

A question that is posed about the most obvious. Well, maybe it's time people listed out why they cared so people could come and reference this list of reasons. There are so many that it is impossible to write them all, which is why the question is so strange.

I care because it's my blood
I care because it's my family
I care because it's our history
I care because it's part of my loved ones
I care because someone else does
I care because I want to learn
I care because I want to understand
I care because it feels right
I care because if I didn't, I would be empty
I care because there's never enough to care about
I care because I respect others' pain and joy
I care because God does
I care because they cared for me
I care because I have this life to love and not to hate
I care because there's only so much time
I care because my emotions guide me
I care because I still have a beating heart
I care because I wouldn't be here without them
I care because it DOES matter
I care because I never want to be numb

I could go on, but I have work to do.

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