Sunday, August 30, 2009

The ultimate question about your heritage and life

"Why do you care?".

A question that is posed about the most obvious. Well, maybe it's time people listed out why they cared so people could come and reference this list of reasons. There are so many that it is impossible to write them all, which is why the question is so strange.

I care because it's my blood
I care because it's my family
I care because it's our history
I care because it's part of my loved ones
I care because someone else does
I care because I want to learn
I care because I want to understand
I care because it feels right
I care because if I didn't, I would be empty
I care because there's never enough to care about
I care because I respect others' pain and joy
I care because God does
I care because they cared for me
I care because I have this life to love and not to hate
I care because there's only so much time
I care because my emotions guide me
I care because I still have a beating heart
I care because I wouldn't be here without them
I care because it DOES matter
I care because I never want to be numb

I could go on, but I have work to do.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Welcome, Hypocrisy

Hypocrisy has made a nice home in my heart.

Welcome to the harsh reality of realizing that you have become offensive, rated R, and even obscene, abusive, or harmful to a minor.

How long ago was I a minor? It seems like far too many years now. FAR far too many. Swearing? Intolerable. Violence? Disliked. Gore? Nausea inducing. Vulgar content? Impossibly grotesque.

Oh, I'm sure by now the rp will seem all kinds of offensive. Is that wrong? Is it SO offensive? YES IT IS. I actually was a complete idiot jerk for not noticing it before. What a disgusting person I am. I absolutely disgust myself for letting myself dig so far into a ditch of impurity.

I found that by pushing back my deeper emotions and by hiding how I felt I would get along better with the world.


1) I dumped all stress relief into disgusting, sinful projects that get me NOWHERE in my life, but seem to mitigate the intense amounts of insane stress I go through.

2) I even TRIED typing swears

3) If I ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, EVER, EVER, EVER, EVER wrote anything even CLOSE, CLOSE, EVEN CLOSE, EVEN SLIGHTLY CLOSE to being obscene or harmful to a minor...please hurt me now. Please. PLEASE hurt me now. When did I EVER go against my values to the level that I did something like this!? How in the name of GOD did I ever do something like this!? I don't understand! This is plain disgusting and UGH what kind of human MONSTER am I for getting into it? EVERYTHING I TRIED TO DO WAS TO HELP MINORS AND REMAIN SOMEWHAT INNOCENT OR KIND TO PEOPLE! WHAT DID I DO THAT WAS LIKE THIS? Legal action?! Against OBSCENITY!? This is exactly what I was FIGHTING AGAINST.

FILTH IS WHAT I AM. You have NO idea how this violates me inside. I completely violated myself. DO YOU KNOW HOW THAT FEELS?

4) I ENJOYED IT. I have GROWN to enjoy this to a point that I look forward to it. SICK. Sick sick sick! I even learned new disgusting things THROUGH it. Sick sick fool!

5) This blog is proof of my sickness. Stay 15, you idiot. You know what this also means?

6) I have to stop rping. There's no way for me to hold back the old stress, the pain that I receive from old times and worlds as well as my school stress.

7) The sickest thing is that I thought I could do this and that I was simply illustrating something about love. I fell into the human trap of disgusting filth and impurity. I have grown into some swine who is immune to this, desensitizing myself. Now I'm alone again.

So alone that even the human race would convict this filth in law for violating myself.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Till Lindemann still on drugs gets worse!!!!!!!! Ich liebe dich nich! Or something!

Till Lindeman on drugs and zombiehood

That's sadly what he's turning into.

Zombie Hansel

Yes he is revealed, from the grave

Leaving Background for now

This background is taking too long for me to care right now.

Panel eleeeeveeeennnnn

Such frequent updates!!

Panel 11 progress

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Lissy Final

I'm kind of sick of drawing her, so she's done.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Alice progress

Her left eye and nose

Lissy Panel 10

"Where are we?" or something to that effect.

Cat Panel (probably panel 14)

If you can't guess what he's dreaming about now, you won't guess.

YES it's the cat in the hat! NO!

Panel 6 and 7

These come before the panel below. Can you guess what I'm trying to portray?



And yet again, tunnels

Don't look into the light!!! Worked on the water.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Stupid, wicked panel

She is failing so bad, I'm thinking of abandoning this one too. UGHHH. I blotted out the ever-so-revealing text.

Tunnel Panel Continued

NEEDS MORE WATER! The water on this one is killing me! I might just skip the water and go to another panel. Sick of it!!

Monday, August 3, 2009

More work

Happy Birth, my child

Hello dear children! Your beloved Pronk is making this a place to ramble as well.

Today I am welcoming my last hours of being in my ‘teens’, by technicality. At this moment I am 19, and in another, I will have survived two decades. Darwin knows I am, by far, the fittest. Don’t laugh, I’m not being facetious, merely cynical. Kind of.

I am taking this time to reflect on myself; my life, my past, my future, my destiny, my fate, my uncle, life, death, papaya and my addiction to kefir. I am about to launch into some philosophical B.S. that will make you wonder how I became so mysterious and cool. You’ll read it and feel a connection with me like you never had before. I’ll have so many new ideas that no youth has thought of before. I will show you an opinion that is so unique that you’ll have to resist it and then follow me because you’re a bored person on the Internet.

By the way, if you read what I write in a British accent then you will find yourself illuminated beyond belief to the meaning of my writing.

Since everyone is so deeply expressing himself or herself through poetry, I am going to share with you something I’m going to spout out in an instant.

Title: Wombat Maiden, War Between Lovers

I peel the death from her eyes

And the dead skin from her lips

Her lonely heart rekindled

By the shadow of my pulse

With a mere look I see

Cobwebbed shadows line her lashes

Tumbling cries goosebump her flesh

Age wore down her salted trails

I warm her hand with my own

Paper skin between scabbed palms

Her eyes flutter open

And shake the wetted hearth of ash


“I choose you” her feathery whisper dances

A susserus of the dusk

Parted lips breathing the fog of candles

Into the warm womb of light

Dry, heated air wets my tears

Sticky beads of honeyed glances

Calculated stutters with ebony eyes

Succulent leaves have a nice texture


“I love this poem so much. It speaks as if a dying animal that barely knew how to hold a writing utensil and scribbled inanity onto a wall with its own blood writes it. I read it to my children nightly so that I can warp their minds at a young age. I want them to be as deranged as this poem’s author. Who knows, they may be the next Lewis Carrol!” ~Waldrich Von Wigglestein

“It speaks to me with such fiery passion that I almost mistake it as my angry and stubborn wife beating me with the ladle once I’ve come home late” ~Charles Henterhorn

“When someone puts the words ‘womb’, ‘hearth’ and ‘death’ into a poem, I instantly am hooked. The modern twist with Pikachu was really personable and I felt like I related my inner nerd to this monolithic perfection of metaphoric wonder” ~Verbuta Yule

“Hell yeah” ~Charles Dickens

“If I could grace my parchment with such stunning words, I daresay I would be a Godsend. That’s exactly what this poem is. It will be interpreted hundreds of thousands of ways through centuries. Children will moan for millenniums in classrooms as professors make them decipher this beautiful scripture” ~Annabelle Tibbletalk

“One word: Genius. Genius in a bottle” ~Chester Rotte

Care to add your own review? This is just a sample of how popular I am and how I basically raise people from the dead to use modern slang once they read my poem. Being a deranged necromancer really comes in handy.

Some of you may wonder about what I’ve been doing this summer. Some of you couldn’t give a damn, and in that case, you probably have a relatively normal life consisting of partying and having friends. Well, I have been taking summer school and living the life of a couch potato nerd.

I have been working on my art for the past couple days. Many of you clever ones have learned of my comic. The plotline to this comic has not been revealed yet. However, it consists of Germany, artillery, cats, shapeshifters, my role play with Banak, death, ovens, Tim Burton, A Wolf at the Door, and sweets. Essentially, a nightmare.

If you're wondering about how I wrote such a gorgeous poem so quickly, Pushkin's spirit possessed me temporarily.

Tunnel panel more work

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Progress Tunnel

This panel comes before the one where he has a wet face and is shocked. This is what he sees. The two silhouettes. It's going to take a long time to finish this.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Failure Panel

He REALLY should be saying:

"Child, look at this face! FAIL!". is so. Ugh losing my grip!