Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Perfect demon name to pick right now

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

My Two Favorite Things (Take notes, Santa)

I want this for Christmas. Plus coffee.



By Banak

Monday, December 20, 2010


By Banak

Girly Shame

Mr. Punk mime is sitting in his room nude, ashamed.


Perfect in time for TRON!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Friday, December 3, 2010

Depressingly Hilarious Antics

Besides most of my self-confidence being de-railed by the possibility of spoiling my 4.0 GPA (yes I know it's a bit silly, but the fact is it's an easy Freshman class that did it to me), at least I have my mother's slips of speech to keep me laughing.

Where to begin? First my mom has a touch-screen phone on which she is learning to text. Granted, it's hard to hit the right keys, especially when texting while parked at a red light (bad mom!), but sometimes she goes over the top.

I'm used to getting "when u get out of school bab?", "you're de best", "is she taking de bus" and "Hi aexos, Cynhoa os asking if you se t ur essay to her friemd". My mother often takes on a Jamaican accent when texting, starting with turning "the" into "de". I knew Sebastion from The Little Mermaid had an influence on her love for the name.

However, one of my favorite texts came to me in the middle of a class. It simply read:

"I love pus.gorg".

Now, either my mother was trying to tell me "I love you...gorgeous" and had quite a few issues with the keys, or she was trying to confess her addiction to the pus-lovers website, pus.gorg. I mean, what is that? A form of infection fetish? I don't even want to know. Either way you know that pus websites are legitimate when you see the "dot gorg" instead of the "dot gcom".

This morning my mother runs upstairs in a desperate flurry, asking me to take off the Autumn decorations. She gasps, disappearing into her closet "I am dying here, so much to do!". My dad and I can only stare incredulously as I begin taking off the fall decorations from the stairs, only to hear her complain "My pants are too short!".

Two minutes later, she's down and says "I'd better put on some lipstick or else I'll look like a dead from the dead".

My dad catches on, laughing and saying "she just said she'd look like a dead from the dead".

My mom barely pays attention as she puts on her lipstick, saying "you know...Pam told me I should be a translator. I told her, 'if I was a translator I'd cause Third World III'".

At this point my dad's roaring laughter shook the house's structure and my mom had to make a visit to the bathroom....she heads towards the only one in the house that is not working. I mean, we wouldn't want to have Third World 3, now, would we?

My mom has done this stuff so many times before too. She turns casually to my sister, saying "hey, do you want a new hot dog?" instead of 'backpack'.

She nonchalantly mumbles whilst looking at her calendar "February is March 1st..." before getting a funny look and saying "wait, that doesn't make much sense".

She was on the phone about 20 minutes before this and is talking to her friend Nancy Blackwell. "Where is Eller located?" she asks me, as I say "Helen street between Mountain and Park".

"What?!" she gasps "I told Nancy between Mountain and Stone!". My dad laughs and says "She's definitely going to get lost. I love pus.gorg".

Her antics are so classic, even from mishearing the tiniest thing and thinking it's legitimate. I mean, at the table I like to torture my sister by calling her the stupidest thing I can think of; "Big Bart". We talk about this for hours at the table until two minutes late my mom chimes in and asks "who's Big Butt?".

I inherited only this part, unfortunately, of my mom's actual intellect. She also has amazing pronounciation problems, especially with the words "Beach" and "Sheet".

"What are you going to be for Halloween, Bill, a B*** Boy?".

"Pardon  me?".

"She meant Beach Boy".

When we discuss X-Men, she says wisely "I love that actor, Jack Human". "Who?". "Ohhhhh! Hugh Jackman!!".

"And that actor with the huskies...Scuba Diving Junior!". "You mean Cuba Gooding Junior?".

The list is endless, but I just thought I'd share. My mom's not dumb, she just slips up with her words sometimes, and today happened to be filled with them.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Cruella Jurgansen

More on Mr. Grey

The thing about Toby is that he can definitely dance and moonwalk (or so we decided), so he's going to impress everyone at the corporation he interns at. Toby getting his groove on to such pop and blues tunes as Michael Jackson, Cher, Aerosmyth, and David Bowie show that he can be quite the Smooth Operator who is Too Sexy For His Shirt (or maybe the shirt is what makes it sexy).

This was my first attempt at Toby's girl-magnet routine at work. Joseph Callaghan is going to be impressed, to say the least, much to the distaste of his nephew. I don't like this sketch (I did it before the one below) as much as the one in the previous post.

I don't know if we have a bio for Tobias Vincent Grey on here, but his personality and style have definitely been refined and developed further. He may need a new bio.

Toby Fail

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Throw up your RAWKFIST for Jack...not.

I think you know what song is stuck in MY head. Anyways, here's a failed Jack for everyone.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Dansel MAN this really got intense...

Someone needs to stop uhhhhh drawing things like this

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Dansel Cuddle REAL

Latest Dansel Cuddling Picture

I just drew a...oh wait...THANKS COMPUTER! Let's overheat! I get it, Arizona sucks...but seriously!?

Oh wait let me just save this picture 14 times to ensure that if the computer overheats, it still exists.

Computer: Goodbye picture

Me: Hang on a second



Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Hello Everyone!

Hey's Pronk. I went to London and I'm back again. In the process, I turned 21 and gained a lot of different perspectives on life in my quest to mature in both financial and emotional ways.

Life is difficult. Life is really difficult, but you can also let life pass you by by sitting there and not doing anything about it. I have a lot of things I need to think about.

Hopefully rp stuff will be up soon once I am able to draw again. There's still a lot of Dansel stuff I'm musing about, but I have to say that's all going to be on hold literature wise for a bit. We'll be back soon!

Loves to all,

The Awesome Team of Awesome

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Welcome to London!!!

Hey There Pronk!!!

So you've gotten to London with an inexcusable extreme sense of jet lag. Yet there is one great thing you have to realize about this trip. It’s an adventure! And better yet it’s an adventure you get to share with me through these posts!! (Because even if you didn’t want to, which I know you do, you have a nosy friend!!!) And you know the best part of this is?! It’s that even though there are a lot of big downers to this trips, there are so many great things too!!


Now that’s out of my system… I really wanted to tell you that this trip doesn’t need to be a total bust as far as our friendship time goes. I know you feel the same way, so lets just stay positive. Firstly you need to give me the dirt about EVERYTHING!!! Secondly you need to give me more dirt than that!!!! And Thirdly you need to keep in mind that YOU!!!!!!! YOU can do this!

So, get started on finding those British TV shows and all those popular artists! Find out find out find out!!! Integrate yourself into their culture! Get under their skin!! YOU ARE A PARASITE! SAP UM’ DRY!....Now that you feel so much better!!!!

I want you to know that we may have some troubles communicating for a while but guess what?? That wont matter!!! We have gotten though everything this far…if we can get through living in one SMALL dorm room for two semesters and still come out stronger, we can do this! What’s a 7 hour time difference between friends? NOTHING!!!!

HUG!!! I am tired and nervous for you! I’ll try to stay up a little longer in an attempt to snag you but I do have physics to finish tomorrow.



Thursday, June 10, 2010

Cuddle Session Ghost Face

His face is transparent because I liked Hansel's face too much.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Schizophrenic Psycho --Shrew is NOT one

This is what happens when you listen to "Psycho" by Puddle of Mud while drawing a particularly devious little Shrew...that's just what Daniel is.

Watch out Hansel, you have trouble ahead. He kind of looks like a bratty little bratz doll kid. AUGH!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Jack shows off his pecs...oh wait, jacket? Oh riiiiiight...Jacket

Shall I color this? I'm sure Jack would appreciate his waxed, oiled, shined pecs. I swear he's like a male bird, trying to strut whatever he's got. It's hard for him.

Life Update

Happy Birthday, Profane!!!! New fishies were born today in your honor :) ♥ to you and Banak Nelly

This was just a little message I'd like to post about today...June 1! He's uhhh.........126 or 127 today. I couldn't keep this on facebook so I'm just putting it here. It was meant to be a cheery happy thing, and it still is, so I really wish that it made people happy. Have a good day to everyone anyways. 

Friday, May 21, 2010

OMG fail at sleeping

Ahhh kinda dichomus? Slight ref used for the angle and shadows. However, HANSEL wth is up with the ANGRY face? I have a pic of Shrew in the works. 

Jack goes into a strange, messy, 90s cartoon

And here he remains. I NEED TO NOT FAIL AT JACK ANYMORE. I give up on this picture

Sunday, May 16, 2010



Thursday, May 13, 2010

Dreams by Banak

Banak had a dream two nights ago about a guy who had the "eye of the beholder", allowing him to disguise himself as anything he wanted, who stole her car and my bike. While I was enthralled by my girly gossip magazine, he came by to apologize and Banak saw her foggy mirror reflection, which made her think about what the demons told her to look out for in dream symbols. This was the lucid part, and it turns out that there was, in fact, nothing abour mirrors in the book. However, there was something about following someone with eyes or something of that nature. WHO CARES WHAT MORBID SAYS.

Anyways the same day I got one of those smack-me-in-the-face moments at Highland Garage when I wanted to reveal the 'hidden demon' by jumping off the garage floor and having them catch/fly me off into the sky.


And now we have a joke about drinking urine. In Banak's words..."12 years late".

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Sleep Deprivation

If only it looked like this.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

And the girls take over...

What to say about these girls? I don't draw girls enough. 

We have Keisha Woodle...she's part African-American and part Swedish, so she has nice skin, nice eyes, and a nice body. How unfair is that?!

Jess...everyone knows. She's crazy but we love her...although Snyder loves her more. 

SAGE! She's Jess' cousin and will have a bio soon hopefully. She seems to have a mad bromance boiling up with Peter, the lucky dude. He's going six-pack hunting for the next few months to impress her. 

Angelique...needs to eat something and stop being a model. She has RASCAL to spend time with!

Like I said, Claudia should be named "Whips and Chains". She is always so...sweet to people. 

Another traditional kiss...

Just another lovey dovey kiss

And they're at it again

The pesky little love bugs!

Monday, May 10, 2010

First Touches and Silliness

Okay the Tryler pictures are a leeeeetle beet weird. Don't ask why I was typing that way. I don't know either.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Dansel and Tryler

Alright our first Tryler kissing picture! And I tried to make Dansel cute, but I keep messing up Hansel and Shrew's sizes.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Some Shrew Pics

SHREWW gets to be the first in May!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Just a post, just incase

Sage smiled at Peter’s answer and chuckled a little saying “That’s good!” excitedly with a smile. “Jess said you guys had a band practice, how did that go?” she asked with a smile trying to get Peter engaged in the conversation. Toby shivered as Ordelia spoke out of the shadows indicating that she was dropped off. Blushing he nodded and said “Good, I’m glad you could make it. Why don’t you come in” he smiled softly noticing Wallace “You brought Wallace that is great!” he added happily. He held the door open for her trying to usher her in “Sorry if my little sister gets very excited when she sees him” he murmured softly. Jess giggled hugging Snyder happily as he seemed upset by the topic of his father. “Oh he was very serious! He needs a hug!” Jess giggled happily “Poor Snyder!” she gasped hugging him softly and nuzzling his chest “I love you!!” she gasped pulling away from him with a smile. Hansel chuckled and pulled Shrew closer as Shrew moved against him and Jess bubbled over with excitement. Lightly Hansel rubbed Shrew’s side trying to be comforting.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Sleepy Dansel

Reffffffffs might help with bits.

I always wanted to do a pic of them with the sun or moon peeking through the blinds so it splays shadows and light across their bodies.

I need your opinions! Should I or should I not?

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Nowwwww we had a first...

It looks like Sully and Tim were the two to get together in the most unique and strange way so far.

I would post bios for Tim and Sully, but we know little about them. Here's what I know.

Tim Watcat Giddeon
Age: 24
Major: Gynecology
Hair: Blond
Eyes: Blue
Height: 6'2''
Tattoos: Nose? on the back of the neck

He owns about 7 cats and one rabbit (left behind by an ex-girlfriend). He is apparently pretty dominant/deprived when it comes to relationships. He was part of the Tenth Sense, a group composed of hardcore, tall, and weirdly named rocker dudes. There were five members and each had a different "sense" tattooed on the back of their necks. They could get away with it because they had long hair and beards. Tim is now clean shaven. Tim was supposed to use stupid cat comments like "let the cat out of the bag", "cat's on the prowl" <---OH DEAR GOD NO NOT WITH WHAT HAPPENED, "catitude", "catastrophe", "cat got your tongue" <----OH DEAR...GOD!, "sourpuss", "long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs", etc.

Sullivan Andrew Dresdon
Age: 24
Major: Astronomy with a focus on the Sun
Hair: Red
Eyes: Blue
Height: 6'2''
Tattoos: Mouth on the back of the neck

He owns one Weimeraner and goes running often with her. He is known to ramble and talk a lot, and he's a fiery redhead. For some reason Sully really hated Tim's major, and he taught us all a lesson about how you do NOT fight with someone because of their major, or it might turn into flirting and more. He moved back from Arizona (shameless plug) to someplace colder and is now freezing. He

As you can see, these two share ABSOLUTELY NO SIMILARITIES. I was drawing Sully but photoshop boycotted it, so you won't get to see that (lucky you!).

BAAAAH real life news has been pretty mind shattering, but pretty okay. Need to stop listening to "Fashion" whilst posting this.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Jack's addition to Izz

Izzabella Kitty's Failed portrait

Izzabella...still stuck between her love for two different guys. Only TIME will tell.